Housing & Public Realm Report

Housing and Public Realm Report - 10th March 20

. The Housing Position paper has been finalised and has now been posted on the website incorporating comments that were made.

. The Airbnb roadshow on 6th April 2020 in Bristol will be attended by Patrick Rotheram representing FOBRA.

. Cllr Tim Ball has indicated that BaNES intend to procure and erect high specification modular housing on derelict council land to ease the affordability crisis with a target of 50 units in the next 4 years.

. Planning permission and construction of PBSAs appears to be accelerating out of control as private developers have the opportunity to increase densities due to reduced parking requirements for this type of development. Identified sites and/or those in the pipeline are: Dick Lovett and Regency Cleaners on the Lower Bristol Road; Bath Cricket Ground; the Scala/Co-op building in Oldfield Park; Locksbrook Road; Hartwells Garage, Newbridge Road.

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