Next FOBRA Meeting

Thursday June 9th, 2022   6:30 pm
Widcome Junior School



a) FoBRA Committee Meeting


1. Welcome from acting Chair - Graham Feltham

2. Traffic report - Ceris Humphreys

3. Planning report - Graham Feltham

4. City centre regeneration/Milsom Quarter - Malcolm Baldwin

5. Entry Hill update - Katina Beckett

6. High Common update - Theresa Franklin

7. Bath City Council campaign - Rachael Hushon

8. A.O.B


You can read the minutes of this meeting here



b) FoBRA Annnual General Meeting


1. Minutes from last AGM

2. Annual Report - Chairman

3. Accounts for the year - approval

4. Subscription for 2022/23

5. Elect a Chair, Vice Chair; and an Accounts Examiner (who shall not be a member of the Executive)

 6. Appointments: Transport Lead, WHSAB Representative.


You can read the minutes of this meeting here.



Meetings Archive