a) FoBRA Committee Meeting
1. Apologies
2. Minutes to be approved from December 15th and March 23rd committee meetings
4. Planning update (contained in Chair’s annual report)
5. Transport update (contained in Chair’s annual report)
6. World Heritage Advisory Board update (contained in Chair’s annual report)
7. and “Clean and Green” reminder
8. Membership and subscription to NORA
9. Subscription to Bath Preservation Trust
10. Agree Winter reception
11. A.O.B
You can read the minutes of this meeting here.
b) FoBRA Annnual General Meeting 2023
1. Minutes (approve minutes of 2022 AGM)
3. a) Accounts for the year - for approval and adoption
b) Set a subscription for the ensuing year - Treasurer
4. Elect a Chair, Vice Chair; and an Accounts Examiner
5. Appointments
You can read the minutes of this meeting here.