Transport Report

Transport Report 18 Jan 18

FoBRA Transport Report for 18th Jan 18 Committee

Transport issues have been fairly quiet since the last meeting, as the Council has been considering its response to the three important consultations on parking, coaches and air quality, and as the Councillor responsible, Mark Shelford, has been unwell. Transport issues were discussed at the regular FOBRA meeting with Tim Warren (mentioned in the Chairman's report), and we have been trying to engage the Lib Dems to discuss their ideas, especially on how to remove the A36-A46 through traffic from the city.
Robin Kerr and I spoke at the 4 December meeting of the Council's Transport Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel on parking and coach strategy. A useful article about this appeared belatedly in the Chronicle on 5 January. We also wrote to the Chronicle to counter complaints about the modest loss of parking when Avon Street is redeveloped, which has always been a key part of the Bath Transport Strategy. Copies of all these items are on the website.
The Bath Alliance for Transport and Public Realm was relaunched on 12 December with a presentation to the Council leadership focusing on the Alliance's vision for city: 'A beautiful city in a green setting, with vibrant public spaces, a historic centre free of all but essential traffic, clean air, good mobility and excellent transport infrastructure'. This was given coverage in the Chronicle. The Alliance is trying to arrange a similar presentation to the Lib Dems.

Patrick Rotheram, 7th Jan 18

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