1. B&NES Cabinet is set to approve the Final Business Case for the Bath Clean Air plan on 16 January. The Clean Air Zone is planned to come into effect on 4 November 2020.
2. B&NES Council is holding an open workshop on Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTN) at the Guildhall on 28 January. There will be a speaker from the London Borough of Waltham Forest, which has introduced LTNs. Members with an interest in an LTN for their area are encouraged to attend. The introduction of LTNs will need careful consultation in all areas that will be affected, not just in the areas proposed to become LTNs. A traffic movement plan for traffic displaced from LTNs is essential, as most of the so-called 'arterial' routes are also residential. The impacts on those who live on routes that would be designated as arterial or distributor roads must be fully weighed and mitigation measures to avoid significant increases in traffic on those roads.
3. Our comments on the Listed Building Application for repair works at Cleveland Bridge have been placed on the FoBRA website. The bridge will be closed to traffic for several months while repairs are made. We have commented that the closure must also be carefully managed to prevent large numbers of vehicles (of all types, but especially HGVs) using the city centre as a short cut. There is also a danger of rat-running in other residential areas.
4. On 17 December the Bath Alliance for Transport and Public Realm held a meeting which was addressed by Councillors Richard Samuels and Joanna Wright. There was a useful exchange of views. The Alliance is considering its way forward in the light of these discussions.
Patrick Rotheram, Transport Lead 10 January 2020