Joining FOBRA

FOBRA wants to engage with as many Bath residents as possible and involve them in its work.

We believe that a strong and well run Federation will be able to influence the B&NES Cabinet, Councillors, Officers and other stakeholders in the city by ensuring that residents' interests are understood and taken into account when key decisions are taken.

It's important that the views, concerns and suggestions of all residents, whether they are home owners, students or tenants, are presented to the Council by one strong representative body, by encouraging organisation of resident opinion; and by ensuring that residents' views remain important to the Council, that protections for residents are enforced, and that promises made to residents are delivered. FoBRA therefore has an open invitation to all relevant groups to join us. We'd like you to come along and help to formulate our policy on important issues like street cleanliness, the night time economy, traffic congestion, public transport, air pollution, planning, housing, etc.

We have provision for, and would be delighted if, other organisations who share our views were to join us as affiliates without becoming full members. They need to share the aims of the Federation 'to protect and enhance the environment and amenities of Bath; and to foster community spirit', and they would be liable for payment of a small, annual subscription.

In our Constitution we say:

"Membership shall be open to autonomous residents' associations within the City:

a. Properly constituted with a written constitution and formal annual accounts;
b. Supporting the aims of the Federation, admitted by decision of the Committee and paying the due subscription (within 3 months of admission or the past AGM).

Other appropriate local organisations may be admitted as Affiliates, participating in activities, but their representatives shall not have a vote nor be eligible for office. Member associations shall report the number of households in their membership to the Federation Treasurer between 1 January and 31 March each year."

The procedure for applying to join is to write to the Secretary, covering the points in the Constitution (above). We can offer help in drafting constitutions and in establishing simple financial arrangements.  If this stage is successful, the applicant will be contacted, inviting their representative(s) to attend the next convenient FoBRA Committee, as Observer(s). Their application will then be considered and put to the vote.

If you'd like to talk about your organisation's joining FoBRA, please get in touch with our Chair, Rachael Hushon ( or Secretary, Sylvia Sinclair (


For guidance on how to form a Residents' Association, see here.